About Press Building Solutions

About Us

Press Building Solutions has been in operation since 2017 with a focus on large commercial concrete projects, specialising in exposed aggregate, colour and grey concrete, sheds, driveways, paths and all kerbing works. With their rapid growth over the years, Press Building Solutions has expended to Landscape and Investment solutions to cater for all you building needs.

As a trusted business by builders around Adelaide, you will never be disappointed by Press Building solutions. Quality and efficiency are their reality as they guarantee to never miss a deadline for your convenience.

Contact Press Building Solutions today as quality, professionalism and great service are guaranteed.

Nothing but the best

"Quality Work and Service"

5 star quality of work and service. Nicely done in the timeframe that was predicted.

Clayton C.

"Prompt, Professional and Competitive Pricing"

Jackson was prompt, professional and very competitive with his pricing, making it easy for us to make the decision to move forward, the job was done to our satisfaction and it was done within the time frame he promised us. I could not recommend Press Concrete Solutions any more and highly recommend his services.

Timothy H.

"Reliable and Affordable"

Press concrete solutions are extremely reliable with communication and quoting. They offer affordable prices for all concreting jobs. They completed my driveway and paths around the house with quality exposed aggregate finishes. Highly recommend them for all concrete needs.

Josh L.

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